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アカンサスポータル(学内専用) English 寄附・ご支援をお考えの方 アクセス お問い合わせ About Kanazawa U金沢大学について Academics学域・学類・大学院 Research研究・産学連携 Global Network国際交流・留学 Social Engagement社会連携 Students教育・学生支援・学生活動 Alumni卒業生・生涯学習 Admission⼊試情報・高大院接続 The Second Kanazawa University Photo Contest HOME > 金沢大学について > 広報活動 > 輝く金沢大学フォトコンテスト > The Second Kanazawa University Photo Contest The Second Kanazawa University Photo Contest (>日本語) poster(English.ver)  □Guidelines for Submission  Theme  Photographs taken at your favorite location or scenery in Kanazawa University. e.g.) campus landscape, classroom scenes, afterschool activities and so on. Eligibility &#8211; Current and former Kanazawa University student &#8211; Parents and guardians of the current Kanazawa University students &#8211; Faculty and staff of Kanazawa University Application Period  - Monday, January 5, 2015 to Friday, February 27, 2015 Prizes ・Grand Prize (one person):10,000yen bookstore gift certificate ・Performance Award (one person): 5,000yen bookstore gift certificate ・3rd Place Award (one person): 3,000yen bookstore gift certificate ・Idea Award (two people): 1,000yen bookstore gift certificate Contest Rules ・Up to 5 photographs per person. ・The photograph must not be processed, synthesized or be a set of photos. ・We accept only unpublished photographs. ・The permission for usage of portrait must be gotten from each person in the photograph before submission. ・Mobile phone, digital camera, or any other type of camera can be used to take the photograph. ・The submitted photograph may be used in print, on a website or any electronics media. How to Apply ・Send photographs by email to the address at the end of this Guidelines.(You can use File Transfer Service. →https://ap-storage.cis.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/sendfile/en/send/index.php) ・The email attachments must not exceed 5 MB in total and must be in JPG file format. ・The email message must include the following.  1. The date and place you took the photograph.  2. The title you took the photograph.(in 10 words or less)  3. The reason you took the photograph.(in 30 words or less)   ※Please let us know which comment applies to which photograph.  4. Your occupation  5. Your full name  6. Your email address Where to send the email and photographs [email protected] ※The email attachments must not exceed 5 MB. Judges ・Koetsu Yamazaki (President) ・Masayoshi Shibata(Vice President (Education and Student Affairs)) ・Koichi Iiyama(Advisor to the President(Public Relations and Strategy)) ・Kumiko Kitamura(Chief, Public Relations Office) ・Misaki Nakamori(Student , Vice President of Kanazawa University Photo Club) Announcement of the Result  The result will be announced in the middle of March on Kanazawa University’s web site. (https://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/) Copyright and the Right of Use ・Applicants retain the copyright for the content submitted. ・Kanazawa University will take the right of use of the submitted photographs. ・Kanazawa University reserves the right to the use of the submitted photographs. (The use of the photograph will be limited to those who submit a written application to Kanazawa University beforehand and are granted permission.) ・Applicants agree to waive the moral right to the submitted photograph in regard to the use by those who are granted permission by Kanazawa University.  PAGE TOP 国立大学法人 金沢大学 〒920-1192 金沢市角間町 SOCIAL MEDIA ホーム 金沢大学について 学域・学類・大学院 研究・産学連携 国際交流・留学 社会連携 教育・学生支援・学生活動 卒業生・生涯学習 ⼊試情報・高大院接続 お問い合わせ 推奨環境 Google Analyticsの利用について 教職員採用情報 法人文書/個人情報保護 English サイトマップ 学内者用 緊急連絡先 学術メディア創成センター アカンサスポータル キャンパスAED Copyright © 2023 Kanazawa University. All Rights Reserved.

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