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トップページ 立命館孔子学院について 交通・アクセス 中国語講座 弱点克服講座 HSK・HSKK試験 中国理解講座 長期留学 短期留学 中国語講座受講申込フォーム 弱点克服講座受講申込フォーム 文化イベント講座受講申込フォーム Language Japanese English Chinese About us Greetings Confucius Institute at Ritsumeikan Ritsumeikan University Activities Chinese Language Culture Exchange Research Support Project Access Links What is a Confucius Institute? The Confucius Institute is a project implemented by the Chinese government with the aim of developing and enhancing international systems for Chinese language education and promoting an understanding of Chinese culture in countries around the world. The project works to support students of the Chinese language, to foster understanding and friendship between China and the other countries of the world, and to promote world peace and development. Confucius Institutes have been established in partnership with local universities and other institutions in a number of countries around the world, where they are actively engaged in promoting Chinese language education and providing relevant resources and support. On June 28, 2005, at the Chinese embassy in Tokyo the Office of the Chinese Language Council International and the Ritsumeikan Trust entered into an agreement on the establishment of the Confucius Institute at Ritsumeikan. In October of the same year, the Confucius Institute at Ritsumeikan was established as the first Confucius Institute in Japan. Jointly operated with Peking University, the Institute engages in activities aimed at contributing to regional society and promoting international exchange and international understanding. In the context of these aims, the fields of Chinese language education and training and linguistic and cultural exchange for the benefit of students, researchers, professionals, and others. In June 2006, Tokyo Confucius Classroom (Tokyo Gakudo) was established as a base in the Kanto region, and in spring 2008, Osaka Confucius Classroom (Osaka Gakudo) was established as a new base in the Kansai region with Tongji University as its partner school. In addition to these, another facility, Biwako Kusatsu Campus Confucius Classroom (BKC Gakudo) opened in 2014. 各ページ トップページ 立命館孔子学院について 学院長コラム「考えてみチャイナ・中国のこと!?」 大阪学堂紹介 東京学堂紹介 BKC学堂紹介 お問い合わせ 交通・アクセス 関連リンク サイトマップ 中国語講座受講申込フォーム 弱点克服講座受講申込フォーム 文化イベント講座受講申込フォーム 事業一覧 中国語学習 中国語講座 時事中国語翻訳講座 弱点克服講座 中国語サロン スピーチコンテスト 中国通チャレンジバトル 小学生のための楽しい中国語 HSK・HSKK試験 受講料金表 講師派遣・紹介 文化イベント 中国理解講座 中国古典文化講座 特別講演会・公演 読書会 図書室 イベントレポート 中国語・中国研究 中国語に関する研究会 中国語に関する講演会 中国関連研究企画支援 孔子新漢学計画 中国留学 長期留学 短期留学 中国語講座受講申込フォーム 弱点克服講座受講申込フォーム 文化イベント講座受講申込フォーム メルマガ購読・解除 交通・アクセス      立命館孔子学院 〒603-8577 京都市北区等持院北町56-1 立命館大学 アカデメイア立命21内 3階 TEL:075-465-8426 FAX:075-465-8429 MAIL:(代表)[email protected]          (講座)[email protected] ※10:00~17:00(11:30~12:30は昼休み) ※日・月・祝は休み © Confucius Institute at Ritsumeikan All Rights Reserved

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