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大学紹介 大学紹介 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 公益通報の通報・相談窓口 情報公表・大学評価 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 学生寮 パソコン教室 施設のご使用について 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院 学部学科・大学院 学部 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院 経済学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 シラバス検索 教育・研究 教育・研究 教育 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査結果 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ メニュー インターネット出願--> OPEN CAMPUS 受験生 検索 アクセス English インターネット出願--> OPENCAMPUS 受験生 アクセス お問合せ 資料請求 寄付 大学紹介開く 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要開く 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み開く ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 情報公表・大学評価開く 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について開く 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介開く 施設のご使用について 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 国際学生寮 パソコン教室 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院開く 学部開く 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院開く 経済学研究科 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース シラバス検索 教育・研究開く 教育開く 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査と情報公開 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携開く 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流開く 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職開く キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ開く 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得開く 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ Summary of 2019 Academic Year Internship Program (Credit-Eligible Course) HOMEKUAS English PortalHOME For Current Students (Undergraduate & Graduate)Internship ProgramsSummary of 2019 Academic Year Internship Program (Credit-Eligible Course) 日本語 New program launched this year! Domestic Course (Internship Partners:Approximately 40 companies and organizations mainly in the Kyoto area) Presentations New style! Interactive x open booth format Presentation at Open Campus 【1】Summary of 2019 Academic Year Internship Program (Credit-Eligible Course) New program launched this year! During the summer vacation of 2019, 8 students from our university participated in the 2019 KUAS Global Internship Program. The purpose of this program is for students to acquire the ability to learn and become aware of the skills they need to become internationally minded people ready to work on the global stage. The program consisted of four courses in five countries: the U.S., the Netherlands, Singapore + Thailand, and Singapore + Vietnam. All courses were conducted in partnership with the Nidec Corporation. In the limited time of two weeks, the students learned what a manufacturer is, what a company is, and what it means to work overseas. The program included lectures to help students deepen their understanding of the company as a whole, and they also had the opportunity to gain valuable experiences such as helping to support staff in actual business activities. Message to fellow students (2019 KUAS Global Internship, Singapore + Vietnam Course) No matter how much we study, I believe that the gap between students and working adults will never disappear. Working adults have a different level of finesse in their social etiquette, how they proceed with work, etc., and they are constantly demonstrating their abilities and capabilities in many fields. And when you fail as an adult, you will not receive protection from school in the way that you could as a student. In the future, technology will advance more than ever, and change will be more rapid than ever. By experiencing the "world" that you will eventually have to deal with while you are still a student, you will be able to see how to survive in the business world. I believe that it is important to first experience and analyze the world for yourself, just as you researched past entrance exams for the schools you wanted to attend and participated in open campuses. KUAS is a unique university in that our Chairman, Mr. Nagamori, is also the Chairman of Nidec Corporation. The opportunity to participate in an internship at Nidec is extremely valuable, so as a student of KUAS, I would like to encourage you to take advantage of this rare opportunity and participate in an internship as your first step.  (Faculty of Humanities, Department of Japanese History and Cultural Studies, 2nd year, Ryo Furutani) 【2】Domestic Course (Internship Partners:Approximately 40 companies and organizations mainly in the Kyoto area) Number of partnering sites have greatly increased! About 60 students participated in two-week domestic internships, which occurred at the same time as the overseas internships. A wide variety of companies and organizations, including private companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, partnered with KUAS and hosted students. The number of companies accepting students has increased this year, creating a more challenging environment for students. Message to fellow students (Domestic Course, Kyoto Bank) I decided to participate in the internship program because I didn&#39;t know where to start in my job search and I thought it would be a good first step. Since it was organized by the school, I had no worries about participating. Since I was the captain of my club in the past, I find roles with a sense of responsibility rewarding. I wanted to work in a bank because I thought that a job involving money would give me a great sense of responsibility, which would lead to job satisfaction. I used to think that working was for myself, but through the internship, I realized the true meaning of the idea that the customer comes first. When choosing a job, instead of focusing on “myself”, I now want to focus on “the customer” and what I can do for them. Also, I realized that in order to provide good service, it is necessary for me to constantly grow. I felt the importance of studying for qualifications and other things related to banking. I think that by participating in internships, you can get a lot of information that you cannot get from the internet. I also think it will help you to get a better idea of what it is like to work. I would recommend participating in an internship to gain a little more confidence in your job search. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, 3rd year, Miyako Inoue) 【3】Presentations New style! Interactive x open booth format As a new initiative, we implemented an open booth format where students could receive feedback on their presentations on the spot. This was a very valuable opportunity for the participating students to receive feedback directly from the host company/organization and the university president who also attended. The event was held in an open format where we welcomed host companies and organizations, university faculty and staff, and current students interested in the program in addition to the students who had participated in the internship. This year, the presentations were held in conjunction with the Advanced Internship Program (AIP), a department-specific program for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, in which students learned about business practices through a 3 month, full-scale work experience at a local company in Kyoto. In the presentations, the students freely expressed their visions for the future and their realizations surrounding the importance of “doing things as they should be done” (the basic skills for working adults) – things such as greetings, etiquette, and keeping constant communication/reporting, all of which they had learned during their classes for the internship program. Internship Presentations, Greetings from the university president Internship Presentations, Presenting in booths Internship Presentations, At the presentation venue Internship Presentations, Greetings from Professor Miho Internship Presentations, AIP student presenting Internship Presentations, AIP student presenting 【4】Presentation at Open Campus Presentation by overseas internship students At the KUAS Open Campus, two students who participated in the overseas internship program gave presentations on their achievements in English. Despite the nerve-wracking environment with TV cameras in the background, they gave their presentations smoothly in English in front of many parents and high school students. Internship Programs ForCurrentStudents Courses & Registration開く Academic Calendar E-learning System Enrollment Guidelines Class Hours & Test Times開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus Class Hours Kyoto Kameoka Campus Class Hours Tuition and Financial Aid開く Tuition Scholarships開く Jasso Scholarships Alumni Association Scholarship KUAS Student Guardian Association Scholarship Student Life開く Clubs and Societies Student Council Sentan Navi Webmail Reporting Address Changes, etc Issuance of Certificates Commuter Passes, etc Lost & Found Student Housing International Student Residence Uzumasa A開く GCL Program Training Room Ryuo Kaikan Seminar Hall Computer Rooms Part-time Jobs International Exchange開く About International Exchange Exchange Programs開く United States Korea Thailand China Taiwan Indonesia Mongolia Overseas Short-term Training Programs International Students Support開く International Student Numbers(Japanese) Career Development Center開く Industry Experience (Internship) Student Counseling & Support開く Nurse&#039;s Office開く Issuance of Health Examination Certificates Mandatory Absence in the Event of Infection Influenza Health Safety Measures Precautions for International Travel Annual Health Checkups for Students About CPR Student Counselor&#039;s Office Student Disability Support Office ICT Center International Center Career Support Center ICT Center Anti-harassment Initiatives Campuses開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map Kyoto Kameoka Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map More Information開く Personal Information Protection KUAS Student Guardian Association開く Greeting KUAS Alumni Association Founding Principles 京都発世界人財 アクセス お問い合わせ 採用情報 サイトマップ サイトポリシー 個人情報の取扱い 学校法人 永守学園 京都先端科学大学附属高等学校 京都先端科学大学附属中学校 京都先端科学大学附属みどりの丘幼稚園・みどりの丘保育園 Twitter YouTube Line Facebook LinkedIn 学内専用ポータル Copyright © Kyoto University of Advanced Science. 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