プレイワールドカジノ完全攻略 | $30入金不要ボーナスあり



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Ritsumeikan University Researcher Database 日本語>> TOP page TOP page > KAKUDA Masashi (Last updated : 2024-01-24 17:34:45) KAKUDA Masashi Department / Course College of Social Sciences Department of Social Sciences Title / Position Professor Achievement Other Affiliations Profile Academic background Business career Committee and society Research activities Qualification and license Subject of research Research summary Research summary(Photo/Image) Present specialized field research Books Papers Others Academic conference presentation Other research achievements Works Winning science prize Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research -KAKENHI- Competitive grants, etc. (exc. KAKENHI) Achievements of joint.Funded research Acquisition patent Ritsumeikan Research Funding teaching Subject Teaching achievements social activity Activity in society Research exchange preferred theme Others Message Home Page E-Mail Address Department laboratory expense researcher number researchmap Researcher code External Researcher ID Other Affiliations 1. Graduate School of Sociology   Academic background 1. ~2005/03 Doctoral Program (2nd Semester) │ Graduate School, Division of Education │ Hiroshima University │ Completed Ph.D. (Education) 2. ~2002/03 Doctoral Program (1st Semester) │ Graduate School, Division of Education │ Hiroshima University │ Completed M.A. (Education) 3. ~2000/03 Faculty of Education │ Hiroshima University │ Graduated 4. ~1996/03 │ Oita Prefectural Beppu Tsurumigaoka High School │ Graduated Research activities 1. Japanese Educational Research Association 2. Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies 3. Japanese Association for the Social Studies 4. Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association 5. The Japanese Association for Canadian Studies Display All(13) Subject of research 1. (1) Study on Theory of National Identity Formation by History Education 2. (2) Study on Contents Development of Social Studies Education 3. (3) Theoretical and Empirical Study on Teacher Training Curriculum Research summary A research on national identity formation theory by history education 60 years have passed since social studies were established in Japan in 1947.The research on education of social studies has been considerably developed during the period by imitating the advanced countries such as the U.S.However, although many excellent curriculums, practices and history education theories to construct them concerning "History" that should play a role as a measure to achieve the function and the purpose of social studies in addition to "Geography" and "Civics" in the academic society, the drastic reform has not yet carried out at a curriculum level.Why hasn't the history education played a role as a measure to achieve the function and purpose of social studies as a subject that "fosters the civil nature through the recognition of the society" in Japan, as epitomized by the advanced countries such as the U.S.?In other words, why hasn't the role of history education as a "history of social studies" that plays a role as a measure to foster the civil nature (therefore, it is not always necessary to learn the history from the aspect of history overview.) realized, without thinking that it is educationally meaningful to teach the consistent history itself from the ancient times to the modern times as the government curriculum guidelines of Japan assume?On the other hand, in spite of the fact mentioned above, why the history education firmly go on establishing the position in the course of study?This research aims to investigate the reason why the history education could firmly establish the position in the course of study during both the prewar and the postwar periods from the viewpoint of "creation and oblivion of "collective memory (story of national integration) (establishment and manipulation of national identity)". To realize this, I attempt to analyze various types of the history curriculums (including those embodied in textbooks) that enabled "creation and oblivion of collective memory" and its learning principles. Present specialized field Education on school subjects and activities (Keyword:social studies pedagogy, history education, development of educational programs, training and education of teachers) Papers 1. 2012/11 The Logic and Changes of Developing Citizenship in Teaching History in Japan - Two Educational Theories in the Course of Study for the Social Studies in the Secondary School- │ The Korean Association for The Social Studies Education “Research in Social Studies Education” │ 19 (4),pp.1-14 (Sole-authored)   2. 2018/08 What is the educational role of social studies classes? │ Korea Association of Social Education “Re-conceptualization of Democratic Citizenship Education” │ ,pp.279-309 (Sole-authored)   © Ritsumeikan Univ. All rights reserved.

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