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ようこそ  ゲスト さん ログイン 入力補助 English Top ブラウズ 著者 出版年 雑誌名 資料種別 ランキング アクセスランキング ダウンロードランキング その他 成果物の登録方法 大東文化大学図書館HP このアイテムのアクセス数:255件(2024-04-29 07:20 集計) 閲覧可能ファイル  ファイル フォーマット サイズ 閲覧回数 説明 KJ00004306178 pdf 1.32 MB 275 論文情報 タイトル テオドール・デュレの日本・中国旅行と印象派への寄与 タイトル(別表記) Theodore Duret&#39;s Travels through Japan and China and his Contribution to French Impressionism 著者名 著者/ヨミ/別表記 瓜生, 愛子 ウリュウ, アイコ URIU, Aiko 抄録・概要 Theodore Duret (1838-1927) was a Republican journalist-cum-art-ciritic in the latter half of the 19th century France. He played an important role in the birth and growth of the Impressionism through his strong assertion of the importance of Japanese woodlock prints (Ukiyoe). His opinion was supported by his own experience of visiting Japan and China with Henri Cernuschi, a rich Republican entrepreneur and collector of Asian arts. Duret&#39;s description of their travel to Asian countries, especially Japan and China among others, reveals the fact that he was deeply touched by picturesque scenery of Japan an well as its urban and rural landscapes an that, on the contrary, in China, he was deeply disappointed with desolate and ruined rural landscapes and unpleasant conditions in urban centers. In other words, his traditional image of the Celestied Empire was totally shattered so that he never appreciated Chinese things when he came back to France. It can be said, therefore, that his ambigious experiences during his travel forced him to highly evaluate Japanese prints as an actual representation of picturesque scenery of Japan. In fact he encouraged the French Impressionists&#39; admiration to the Japanese woodlock prints, a fatal impact which really caused the birth and growth of the French Impressionism. 掲載誌名 大東アジア学論集 NCID AA11580892 ISSN 21859760 巻 5 開始ページ 41 終了ページ 57 刊行年月日 2005-03-31 言語 日本語 資料種別(NII) 紀要論文 コンテンツの種類 紀要論文 著者版フラグ publisher ホームへ戻る © 2024 Daito Bunka University, All rights reserved       お問い合わせ先 リポジトリ担当 [email protected]

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