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本文までスキップする メニューを開閉する 大学の特徴トップキャンパスマップ学内のイベントクラブ・ボランティア 看護学部トップ教育理念・教育目標・ポリシー教員紹介入学金・授業料"いちかん"を語る 学生座談会専⾨的な施設・設備で学ぶ実践的なカリキュラム医療現場での看護学実習地域住⺠参加型の授業海外看護学研修と英語教育4年間の学び実習のある1日のスケジュール1週間のスケジュール 大学院トップ博士前期課程教育理念・目標・ポリシー教員紹介博士後期課程教育理念・目標・ポリシー教員紹介入学金・授業料大学院生の声 入試情報トップ看護学部大学院入試募集要項・大学案内請求過去問題 資格・就職トップ資格就職・進学卒業生インタビュー 大学案内トップ理事長挨拶学長挨拶法人情報沿革(歴史)教育情報の公開寄附金図書館アクセス・構内図 オープンキャンパス看護学部大学院 受験生の方へ 在学生教職員の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 医療関係者地域の方へ お問い合わせ 教職員公募情報 お知らせ 過去のイベント報告 いちかんダイバーシティ看護開発センター ja en 資料請求 最新の資料はこちら follow on 受験生向け 卒業生向け 教務学生課 TEL:078-794-8085学生生活・授業料・入学試験に関するお問い合わせ 経営管理課 TEL:078-794-8080その他のお問い合わせ ja enMessage from the PresidentTopEnglishMessage from the President President of Kobe City College of Nursing Koji Egawa Kobe City College of Nursing is a single-department school of nursing that opened in April 1996 with the wish to contribute to the recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of the previous year, and to foster nursing professionals who can contribute to the health, medical care, and welfare of the local community. Although the Graduate School of Nursing is now open, it remains a single-department school. Unlike universities with multiple faculties, the school is small, but because it is a single-department school, it has an at-home atmosphere that allows students and faculty to be in close contact with each other in a detailed manner. In addition, as a community-based university, we have incorporated the concept of &#8220;local developmental nursing&#8221; proposed by the Science Council of Japan into our curriculum, and we also focus on student support such as a homeroom teacher system, study support, and employment and career support. One of the educational philosophies of the university is the development of &#8220;creative imagination.” Creative imagination refers to the ability to gain insight into the meaning of human existence and experience, which is essential for nursing practice. Specifically, it is the ability to interact with people who are the object of nursing care with a rich sensitivity and respect for human dignity, and to empathically sense what they are feeling, thinking, and experiencing. This is important for nursing, which requires thinking from the other person&#8217;s perspective, and we always strive to educate our students to acquire this ability. In recent years, the rapid progress of artificial intelligence technology, known as interactive AI or generative AI, has become a daily topic of conversation. This is expected to bring about major changes in society in the future, and the healthcare system is also expected to change dramatically and become more convenient due to these technological breakthroughs. As nursing professionals, we are expected to adapt to these changes and strive for higher quality nursing care. However, even if we incorporate AI technology into nursing, if we forget the essence of caring, which is a function unique to nursing, the specialty of nursing, which is to be close to the sick, to talk to them, and to heal them, will be threatened. I strongly feel that we are in an era in which these dramatic advances in AI are making us think again about what the essence of nursing is. It is precisely because we live in such an era that we value creative imagination. I hope that you will learn what the identity of nursing is and feel its charm, fascination, and depth at our university, which values creative imagination. Our faculty and staff will work together to support your growth and create an attractive university, and we look forward to welcoming many people who aspire to study nursing. President of Kobe City College of Nursing Koji Egawa 資料請求 最新の資料はこちら open campus 特設ページはこちら 〒651-2103神戸市西区学園西町3丁目4番地follow on 受験生向け 卒業生向け 教務学生課 TEL:078-794-8085 学生生活・授業料・入学試験に関するお問い合わせ 経営管理課 TEL:078-794-8080 その他のお問い合わせ 大学の特徴キャンパスマップ学内のイベントクラブ・ボランティア看護学部教育理念・教育目標・ポリシー教員紹介入学金・授業料"いちかん"を語る 学生座談会専⾨的な施設・設備で学ぶ実践的なカリキュラム医療現場での看護学実習地域住⺠参加型の授業海外看護学研修と英語教育4年間の学び実習のある1日のスケジュール1週間のスケジュール大学院博士前期課程教育理念・目標・ポリシー教員紹介博士後期課程教育理念・目標・ポリシー教員紹介入学金・授業料大学院生の声入試情報看護学部大学院入試募集要項・大学案内請求過去問題資格・就職資格就職・進学卒業生インタビュー大学案内理事長挨拶学長挨拶法人情報沿革(歴史)教育情報の公開寄附金図書館アクセス・構内図オープンキャンパス看護学部大学院受験生の方へ在学生・教職員の方へ保護者の方へ卒業生の方へ医療関係者・地域の方へお問い合わせ教職員公募情報お知らせ過去のイベント報告サイトマップサイトについてプライバシーポリシーEnglish Kobe City College of Nursing All Rights Reserved. 資料請求

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